
In ChipotleFeedback, the primary objective is to determine what areas of Chipotle services need to be improved and to gauge customer satisfaction. Since they greatly appreciate the feedback they receive, rewards are given to randomly selected winners.


You should make sure you understand the importance of survey feedback for a company since it is an invaluable tool for them to improve their services. Some of these objectives will be described in this article. However, the purpose of the ChipotleFeedback survey is to gather customer feedback on Chipotle’s food. 

ChipotleFeedback Survey Objectives

It is the primary goal of this survey to determine customer satisfaction. The overall image of the brand will be improved if a customer is satisfied, while negative feedback will guide the restaurant in improving its services. Furthermore, there are a number of other objectives for conducting this survey, which will be discussed below:

  • The company can use this survey to assess which of the outlets are performing best and, if necessary, take action to improve their performance.
  • Customer feedback is taken into account when the restaurant improves its offerings.
  • It boosts the confidence of customers to feel like they are voiced by the top management.
  • A company’s brand image is considerably improved by such surveys, which demonstrate a desire to make amends so that they can provide the best service to their customers. 


  • Furthermore, as the brand gains more trust from the customers, loyalty increases significantly.
  • Positive improvement in the quality of services such as cleanliness, food safety, and delivery. 
  • Furthermore, they can provide customers with new custom-made menus to suit their tastes, which gives them a competitive edge. Indirectly, this leads to more sales.
  • Finally, customers have a chance to win exciting rewards, so they do not hesitate to ask others to participate in this survey as well.